Who am I?

I’m a guy in the great State of Washington who’s been in and around politics his entire life.

I’m also really, really heavily involved with Freemasonry.

And, I’ve got a great wife, three superb daughters, and an amazing granddaughter. With another on on the way.

Those are my things. Family, Freemasonry, Politics.

Here I’ll share my thoughts, because I always feel compelled to write.

Photo of Cameron M. Bailey
Hey, that’s me!

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Plus heh! Once in awhile, you’ll probably get to see a pic of one of my great hats! Did I mention that I have some kind of weird love affair with hats?

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When we read, we are transformed. When we write, we learn. This is Alkemye.


Past Grand Master, The MW Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Washington