All these topics have been made so complicated, yet in reality are simple. Illegal? Needs to go. We cannot tolerate law- lessness.. have we not learned yet that this will always end up in "unacceptable" and "untolerable". It keeps sliding .. as it has.

Clear cut and healthy boundaries are key on every level, may it be family or country.

Illegal is illegal.

Open Borders?? Insanity.

When tolerance goes too far it will be abused.

What is reasonable?!

Within Reason has gone lost it seems. As have discernment and common sense.


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If I was an immigrant to this country who went through the proper process to come here; all of the paperwork, and meetings, and time, and permissions; I'd be so pissed off seeing people just wander in without having to go through any of that.

And it just seems so shocking to me that our own government doesn't even seem to care that it doesn't know the first thing about people who have wandered in, or why they have wandered in.

Most shocking when it comes to military aged men from enemy or near enemy countries.

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I'm one of them .. you wouldn't believe the abuse of power I experienced .. If I had known everything, I would not have come here.. I was not desperate for a new beginning of money...

Later the IRS took it's chunk.. both my lawyers were shocked... one of them used to work for the IRS previously. That man lost all faith, closed his office and retired.. our friends were speechless.

The American people have no idea why this country is so hated by the rest of the world.

I cannot tell you how good it feels to see the corruption and ruthlessness finally being exposed!

Degenerates destroyed this country. For decades.

Arrogance comes before the fall.

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I hope that a revitalization can come. But I do worry that the bureaucracy could be too well entrenched for that to happen. I suppose that we will know soon.

I'm sorry to learn that the IRS did that to you, fearful power leads to abuses.

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Thank you!!

This whole show is about to come down. We are at "oppression and exploitation".. human kind has been here before. Old Romans, Mayans, Ikans asf.. this time it's global.

We may just learn to not put a chosen few in power positions .. start regulating ourselves and never ever allow another "ruling", governing" or such thing over human kind.. anywhere.

It'll take responsibility.. from the bottom up, so far we have subsidize it ..

The noble priciple.. if people wouldn't live in crazy situations, they wouldn't become crazy and act crazy and we wouldn't have the need for crazy laws and regulations..

"man made crazy" is the problem.. so we can stop it. The world by itself is a wonderful paradise!! :) it was given to us free.

let's stop the human greed, arrogance and ignorance. And never vote for it again.

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>>>start regulating ourselves and never ever allow another "ruling", governing" >>>or such thing over human kind.. anywhere.

I think that you hit on something really important here. If we hope to have a free society that is safe and prosperous then we must all choose to regulate our own behaviors.

>>>It'll take responsibility.. from the bottom up

Agreed, this is key.

>>>The noble priciple.. if people wouldn't live in crazy situations, they wouldn't >>>become crazy and act crazy and we wouldn't have the need for crazy laws >>>and regulations..


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Dear President Trump, While You At It, Please Deport Liberal White Women Too.



About This Birthright Citizenship Fiction and the 14Th Amendment https://tinyurl.com/yhvr8twh

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Great article!!! I agree 100%. Almost all of us I think are immigrants if we aren’t Native American. I am only 2nd generation off the boat. My father’s father came here with his family from Sweden thru Ellis Island. And I personally love the poem written on the Statue of Liberty! But the flooding of our Southern border is not immigration it is instead , a deliberate attempt to subvert a fair election by registered voters or to even have a lawful society of likeminded individuals who hold the Constitution of the USA as Law. If borders are fluid and there is no “ law of the land” if nations are under constant threat of violence and mob rule people will beg for a Reset and a One World Order and the work of the World Economic Forum will pay off big time. So this problem is definitely not limited to the US certainly Europe is seeing the same. Lord have mercy!

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Thank you! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

I know when my family came here, but I don't know through what port they might have arrived. And that's a piece that would be really interesting to have.

I do know that the first to come on my father's side actually did so on their honeymoon. They were married in England then immediately hopped a boat to the US. My grandparents were able to find the records of this at the Church they were married in on one of their trips to the UK.

Very cool that you know that your family came through Ellis Island!

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Many many people came thru Ellis Island. My family settled in the Bronx and the mined out to Long Island! I would love to be there now!!!

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None of us ever got very far from where they initially settled. Most of my family remains on that farm to this very day.

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Wow! That is super cool? Where?

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Snohomish, Washington.

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Wow!!! Maybe they came from Russia like St Herman!!! Super cool!!!

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Perhaps the bigger question to ponder, is why did the Biden/Harris administration bring people in from around the world, provided an app to direct them where to go, including money, housing and food on tax payers dime? To me this is not illegally entering the country. Since there were no background checks, other countries took advantage of this program and released its prisoners, which casts a black shadow over all who came in this way. If coming over without proper steps is illegal, there should be charges and deportation starting with Biden and Harris.

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Your point is well taken. The fact that so many came here improperly certainly harms the widespread perception of immigration as a whole, and the perception of those who came here properly and with the very best of intentions.

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There was a verse I read a bit ago, something like -you can put red ants in a jar with black ants and they will do no harm to each other. Shake the jar and the ants wil startl attacking each other. The observation is not why they attacked each other, but who shook the jar, and why? Greedy politicians and those who donate large sums of money for power and control are like those who shake that jar. I hope that one day, there will be no more need for territory, wars or segregation. But first, it would seem to me, that there needs to be no more burocracy and a little more world court for equal justice and order.

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I've been following politics since 1980, my interest sparked by my parent's frequent arguments over Reagan/Carter. Dad was a Reagan man, mom went with Carter because she was convinced Reagan was itching for WWIII.

In all that time, every man we have elected to the Presidency, of both parties, has talked about the need to do something at the border.

We certainly have the technological and human resources necessary to completely shut the border, and have had those resources through all of those decades.

But, no President has ever effectively dealt with it.

Will it be different this time? Maybe, maybe not, only time will tell.

I have my own theory as to why this has never been dealt with despite all the promises to do so, but it is simply my own speculation.

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The boarder is one part, but immagrants that came here by the millions were also flown into the United States. Under the Biden administrations advance parole programs (APP) allowed Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV), Uniting for Ukraine and family reunification parole to enter without due process or vetting. When all these immigrants get financial assistance, housing, and free medical, (way more than what a veteran of the military recieves) our country would undoubtedly become bankrupt. What was the intent? Whatever it was, it's clear as the founders of this country- we need a limited government with laws to prevent abuse of power. This theme goes all the way back to Nimrod, whose name means rebel, and vehemently apposed rulers, and promoted brotherly love.

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A rational, cogent perspective...

I would only add that I think, until we fix what is broken, that a pause in ANY immigration is entirely warranted. We've been driving that car with its failing engine for too long - let's park it until we give the engine a proper tune-up, and are able to replace all the damaged parts.

And also? Glad you are safer today...

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Thank you!

And yes, I think it would be perfectly rational to put a pause on things. To take the time to figure out a proper and effective way to move forward without the day to day pressures getting in the way. Hell, if we stop clogging up the system with the masses intentionally doing it the wrong way, those who are patiently waiting while they attempt to do it the correct way might well end up getting legal status quicker than if there wasn't a pause as you suggest.

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Despite the spin in the media, I don’t think I know a single “anti-immigrant” person, let alone a “hard line” one. I’m sure they exist, because there are lots of places I haven’t been and lots of people I don’t know. But according to the media, and certain politicians, they are everywhere.

I know lots of people, including myself, who share your exact views. But we are called anti-immigrant. With the distinction of legal/illegal completely ignored. Or even “anti-migrant”, as if we are objecting to people moving at all.

I know lots of people, including myself, who have been attacked in bad faith for so long that when they’re called “anti-immigrant”, they just shrug and go “okay.” Because history has shown that correcting the “other side” with their “no person is illegal” sign is exactly like mud wrestling a pig.

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Your point is well taken. Moderate views are painted with claims of extremism across a huge range of issues today. All we can do is ignore the labels, understanding that they are most often completely invalid.

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