I was talking about writing with a friend recently. Some time ago he started writing here on Substack, and was slowly starting to get a bit of traction. But then he stopped suddenly, and hasn’t published a thing since.
I had a hunch why this was, and when he and I talked, he did confirm it.
He was making enemies, or at least losing a friend or two.
When we decide to write publicly, we have two options to choose from.
We can choose to write meaningless things about meaningless topics that no one will actually be interested in, and that will never impact our world. This is the safe option. The option that a lot actually take. The writing is without importance or meaning, but it won’t offend anyone.
Or we can choose to write words of value about worthy subjects. Things that people will be interested in, and that can have an impact on society. This is the dangerous option. The one that requires some level of courage. Any important writing on a topic that people hold dear will offend someone out there.
And unfortunately, sometimes it will make someone close to us mad.
That’s just the way it is, if we want to write words that matter.
That’s why my friend stopped writing publicly. Because his words were bothering people close to him.
I would argue though, that the trade offs are certainly worth it.
We need to write our truth.
We need to write what we believe.
We need to write about what is right in our world, and what is wrong.
Letting the proverbial chips fall where they may.
If my writing makes someone angry from time to time, I have to assume that to be a good thing. It means that something is out of balance and needs attention. Without that attention, nothing can ever be improved.
If my writing makes someone so angry that he or she can no longer call me a friend, well, then honestly, that isn’t someone who should have been in my life anyway. Friends can disagree, even strongly, and remain friends.
When my writing causes someone to get so angry that they throw a little tantrum in public, well, that clearly shows more about their character than mine.
But while these things do happen, and have happened to me, they happen rarely.
What happens most of the time is that new friendships are formed as mutual interests are discovered. Things are improved as attention is given to that which might be wrong. Debates occur, which strengthen everyone, for indeed the old saying that iron sharpens iron is true.
By writing publicly about a subject which we know and have a passion for, we can influence others. And that is where those of us who write can always find our satisfaction.
Don’t be afraid.
By doing so you’ll gain so much more than you’ll lose.
concur. I am what I am, and I'm too experienced to try and be something I'm not to assuage someone else's opinion of what I should be.
If God didn't want a You in the World, He wouldn't have made a You...
be You.